Last week I had to think about the theme of my bachelor theses. I thought about writing something about ideals of beauty. I love the label Brandy & Melville however they define a certain type of girl. When I googled them I found an interesting article of what their ideal of beauty causes. They just have One size and thats normally XS. So it seems like when you don’t fit in their clothes you are to fat.

Brandy Melville is very popular at young adults. What I didn’t knew and whats shocking me is that quote:

„It’s an exclusivity thing: Congratulations, you fit in the clothes! Join the club (…) There will always be the girls who will try to squeeze into it. They’ll do whatever they can to fit in Brandy Melville,“ – Rachel Simmons

So much girls eat less and less just to fit in the clothes? But why everyone should be individual and not like a certain type of person defined by a clothing label. So today there isn’t the difference between the people because of money but instead of this because of their clothes size? I think everyone should be their own type of girl it would be boring to be like on defined type. And if you like Brandy & Melville like I do wear it but you should never change yourself just to fit in one brand.

Source: thisisjanewayne