When I saw this title, I got attentive. When I was a child I’ve done so much arts and crafts with my mother – however now I’m sitting a very long time in front of the computer doing digital stuff. Sometimes I miss the afternoons, producing so much analogue works that you don’t even now where you should put them anymore. So at this weekend I’ve started doing such projects again.

The digital revolution was coming up so fast and silent that you don’t even recognize what happens. Some years ago I was sitting in the train and everyone read a book or magazine on their way to work. Today when I look around me nearly every third person has his own e-book or listens to music on the smartphone. I must admit that I listen to music on my smartphone too. However I’ve never understood this hype on e-books. I love the feeling to turn over pages by myself and it’s such a different feeling to read a book or something on your iPad. Even how some book covers are designed is such inspiring. In „The Analog Revolution“ Rian van der Merwe says that many people go back to traditional paper books. One argument is the permanence which makes me think on so much more fields. For example photography. There are so many people who have just digital photographs. It’s not that typical anymore that you have your own printed photo album. I think that’s so sad due to the fact that it is a very important memory for your children. The moment where you look with them through the pictures and speak about so much activities is totally different on the way you see them on the computer interface.

I think even in families are such parts very important. Crafting connects families as activities you can remember years later too. So think about the interface you use for which part. Mix analog with digital things.
