Matching the gesture to the behavior

The best designs are those that „dissolve in behavior“. So the products themselves disappear into whatever the user is doing. We’ll be able to empower the gestures that we already do and give them further influence and meaning.

Let me give you an example. You know when there is a button you have to push it that something works. So know when you would have to turn it instead it would be unnatural for you and you wouldn’t understand it so fast. So you would try to push it many times before you learn that this button works different to others.

It’s the same like the mechanic of an washbasin. Normally you have to turn the lever upwards that you get water. But with some of them you have to turn it to one side to get the water. I always see people who need much time to understand how it works.

Result: Make designs easy for people to understand and that it fits into their normal lifes.

Source: Designing Gestural Interfaces